1. Description
The individual shielding kit of Ep-1 type is a universal means of protection against detrimental effect of all factors of electromagnetic nature, except for magnetic fields with frequency of 50 Hz, created in electric power substations and overhead electric lines with voltage of up to 1150 kV AC. It is intended to be used while performing works on ground potential including repair works with disengaged and grounded equipment, as well as with reinforced concrete, metal and wooden structures in warm season.
The kit creates closed shielded area around the human body (individual faraday cage) excluding penetration of electrical field inside the shielded area. Besides, featuring high conductivity the kit shunts a human body thus providing for bias current, pulse current and current resulting from contact with parts under induced voltage flowing to the ground bypassing the user.
The kit provides for protection against:
- action of electrical field;
- action of bias current running through the human body when being in the electrical field;
- action of pulse current (discharge) at touching the grounded or insulated objects, parts of equipment as well as grass and shrublets;
- action of intense electromagnetic radiation in wide range of radio frequencies, occurring at discharge between the disconnecting link contacts, especially when they disconnect unloaded transformers and overhead electric lines;
- possible electrical injury at work in the induced voltage area.
The kit is intended to be used while working in the open air and indoors. In cold season, it is possible to put on underlinen, knitted goods, sweater, etc. under the kit.
The kit consists of the following components:
- shielding jacket with a set-in hood;
- shielding jump suit;
- shielding helmet cover;
- shielding gloves;
- leather shielding boots.
All components of the kit are made using conductive materials and are galvanically connected with each other. Scheme of electroplated (electrical) connections includes super conductivity channels, collecting buses and electroconductive terminal leads (ECTL). Contact connections are provided by metal semi-rings and snaps. The indicated scheme of electroplated connections provides for reliable passage of bias current and pulse current bypassing a human body even at decrease of electrical conductivity of the kit in the course of operation.
Jacket, jump suit, helmet cover and boots are made using the shielding fabric with high protective properties. The top of the shielding jacket and jump suit are made of general-purpose fabric with water- and dirt-repellent proofing; the backing is made of general-purpose cotton fabric.
Shielding jacket
The ECTL equipped with two semi-snaps for galvanic connection of jacket with a helmet cover is brought out through the loop in the jacket collar.
The ECTLs with contact semi-snaps are located inside the jacket (right and left) for galvanic connection of the jacket with a jump suit. ECTLs are made elongated with signaling tab on the end. If the ECTLs of the jacket are not connected with the corresponding leads of the jump suit, their signaling tabs will be visible under the jacket and will inform the user on absence of galvanic connection.
Two special pockets are located in front of the jacket, inside of which are conductors in the cover made of shielding fabric with clamps or clips on the ends. They are intended for galvanic connection with grounded parts of electrical installations.
The ECTLs with connecting semi-rings and semi-snaps are located on a layer of shielding fabric of jacket sleeves, by means of which the galvanic connection of jacket with gloves is performed.
The hood is entirely made of shielding fabric and is equipped with a lacing with catches that should be tightened up after putting on the helmet.
Shielding jump suit
The ECTLs with contact semi-snaps are located in front of the jump suit (right and left) for galvanic connection of the jump suit with the jacket.
The ECTLs with semi-snaps for galvanic connection of the jump suit with shielding boots are attached to a layer of shielding fabric of the back part of the jump suit trousers.
Helmet cover
The helmet cover put on the protective helmet is made removable, entirely of shielding fabric and is equipped with two semi-snaps for galvanic connection with the ECTL of the jacket.
Shielding gloves
The shielding gloves are made of complex yarn including silver plated tinsel thread shunted with carbonized thread and high-duty kevlar thread providing for gloves wear-resistance.
The top of the gloves, in the form of a cuff, is entirely made of cotton yarn with a woven tinsel thread to provide for galvanic connection of the gloves with the jacket sleeves. In order to increase reliability of the indicated connection the gloves are equipped with the ECTLs which should be brought through the semi-rings on the jacket sleeves and tacked.
Electroconductive plastic is applied to the palmar part of the gloves, which increases friction coefficient and improves safety of elevated works thereby not decreasing reliability of electric contact of gloves and metal parts of the structures on site.
Shielding boots
The shielding boots are made of leather with electroconductive sole; the inner sole is made of shielding fabric. In the upper part of the shoe top and the tongue the straps made of shielding fabric are sewn on, which are galvanically connected with the inner sole. These straps provide for galvanic connection with the inner sole of the boots and connection of jump suit with the boots. In order to increase reliability of the mentioned connection the boots are equipped with the ECTLs having semi-rings and semi-snaps. They should be brought through the semi-rings on the jump suit trousers and tacked.
All shielding components of the kit should be used together and be galvanically connected between each other. Otherwise the kit will loose its protective properties. The gloves may not be used if at carrying out the works within the area of electrical field action a contact of workers with the grounded and insulated large-size objects, equipment parts and structures is excluded (for example, during inspection of equipment in outdoor switch-gear, low-level inspection of overhead electric lines), as well as if the shielding kit is grounded by means of conductors with clamps, coming within the scope of the kit supply. The works not connected with rising up to the equipment and structures can be performed with the hood off but obligatory with the helmet cover put on.
2.1. Fabric shielding factor, dB, not less than:
With frequency of 50 Hz 90
Up to 10 MHz 90
10-500 MHz 90-80
500-20000 MHz 80-60
2.2. Shielding factor with frequency of 50 Hz
of the entire kit, dB, not less than 60
2.3.Resistance of shielding clothing, kOhm, not more than 4.0
2.4.Resistance of shielding gloves, Ohm, not more than 30
2.5.Resistance of shielding boots, kOhm, not more than 4.0
3. Safety requirements
The works on the overhead electric lines being under the induced voltage, including the works on the insulated ground-wire cables, should be performed in gloves and with obligatory connection of the kit to the wire (cable) by means of one of the conductors with clamps.
When repairing the equipment in outdoor switch-gear using the kit it is necessary to keep in mind that after disconnection of busses the unit under repair is under the induced voltage. That in why its live parts must be grounded by means of portable grounding prior to disconnection of busses.
In case damaged contact connections, tears at the seams or other kit defects are detected in the course of works, all works should be stopped and the damaged kit or its component part should be replaced with the serviceable one or repaired.
4. Warranty
The supplier guarantees the safety of protective characteristics and normal operation of the kit during a year from the date of its sale. If defects are revealed during the warranty period and also with problems of repair you should apply to the following address:
9 Karmanitski per., Moscow, 119002
ZAO “NPO Energoform”, tel.: +7(495) 771-63-75, 956-10-67
with indication of the No of defect object and the No of batch with which it was supplied to the consumer.
The supplier doesn’t accept the claims of defects arising through the consumer’s fault (mechanical injuries, non-intended use, use with divergence from requirements of this manual).
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