LLC PO Energoform - Electrical power industry
The shielding kits intended for protection against detrimental effect of industrial frequency electric fields to the user’s organism create closed area around the human body (individual faraday cage) limited by a layer of conductive fabric, thus excluding penetration of even super-high intensity field inside the shielded area.
The kits are made as per ТУ-8572-001-493352590-99 “Equipment of individual protection against electrical fields. Shielding kit.” developed by Energoform NPO CJSC and agreed upon with the Department of General Inspection of power stations and power networks operation of Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation.
Type tests of the kits of Эп series, including all components, are carried out in accordance with the requirements of standard IEC 60895. As opposed to the recommendations of the indicated standard the protective properties of these kits are checked in the homogeneous field of the parallel-plate capacitor, i.e. in the most severe conditions. Standardization of electrical field of the test installation makes it possible to unify test conditions and make the results of testing the different samples of cognominal kits comparable.
The tests of shielding kits of all types are preceded by the tests of the shielding fabrics. They are carried out in accordance with the requirements of international standard IEC 60895. Besides, toxicological evaluation is performed in order to confirm non-toxicity of fabrics, the hygienic properties as well as abrasion resistance, breaking force and other mechanical characteristics are determined.
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